Baby In Yellow New Update

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Have you enjoyed the exciting adventures of the babysitter in the original release of the Baby in Yellow? Then you will be happy to know that new challenges are awaiting you in a new updated version of the game. Are you intrigued? It is a plethora of new tasks and trials to deal with. But note, this time the intensity of the gameplay increases. There are new locations, new characters and tons of new puzzles to crack. To make a long story short, you should rush to test all these novelties!

Meet new personages

This time, you will not recognize the mansion. Once you return here, you will see a black cat who will invite you to follow him. This character will take you to a completely new location which you have not seen during the previous visit. What has the treacherous baby prepared for you this time. You will be shocked to discover that this place is overloaded with traps of all imaginable sorts. At first glance, it seems you have not a single chance to succeed this time. The baby in yellow did a good job – it’s a pack of dreadful hazards. But do not worry! You are not alone now. In this strange space, you will meet an ally. It is an adorable and skilled robot who can help you in solving various technical tasks. The robotic personage has enough knowledge to find clues to even the trickiest puzzle.

Try to survive!

Are you ready to accept this reworked challenge in the house of the baby in yellow? You will be shocked be shocked by the amount of hurdles you will need to deal with. But together with your faithful friend, you are surely capable of it. Find hidden codes, unlock various doors and explore the surrounding. You will need to find a lot of clues so that you can put together them all into a complete picture. Just do not forget that the baby is watching you without a stop. Do not give your opponent a chance to take the upper hand. This confrontation will be very difficult, but if you activate your logical thinking, you will make it all right. Your task is to find an exit from this new place. Accept this new challenge and prove you can decently cope with it. Do not miss this decent portion of thrills and jumscares. Have fun!

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